Tesha's Hands

Serving the most vulnerable in our society, locally, nationally and internationally

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Tesha’s Hands Mission

We fulfill our mission by:

Advocating for the social welfare of under-served and underprivileged members of our society.

❤ Promoting the principles of Christianity through public service and bible-based events for spiritual growth.

❤ Providing essentials such as food, water, clothing, medical or hygiene supplies to those in need.  

❤ Creating innovative recreational experiences for youth to promote healthy lifestyles and fun.

❤ Facilitating educational programs to promote initiatives to build self-confidence and personal hygiene improvement.

❤ Providing life skill training for both youth and adults to inspire and empower them to live their best lives.

01. special needs scholarships

Every child deserves a quality education. That’s why at Tesha’s Hands, we give scholarships to students with special needs to help them learn and grow to become contributing members of our communities.

02. Special Needs orphanage

In Jamaica, there is a special place for orphans with special needs. It’s called West Haven, and every year, Tesha’s Hands visits West Haven to celebrate with the kids. From pool parties to picnics, it’s all for this inspiring kids.

03. Assistance for Africa

From donating shoes for children who were barefoot to providing food for malnourished babies, Tesha’s Hands have helped hundreds in Africa in need. Tesha’s Hands makes it a priority to help people in need in Africa.

04. Project e: letters for survivors

No parent should ever suffer the loss of a child. At Tesha’s Hands, we support grieving parents and caregivers who have lost loved ones to senseless crimes by collecting and sending letters of support from the community.


“We honor Tesha’s life by mirroring what she did best...showing unconditional love.”

Lakesha Burton | Founder

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Our Story

Community Advocate, Former Assistant Chief of Police, Television Safety Expert and Founder of Tesha’s Hands, Lakesha Burton, is no stranger to anyone she meets. If you have had the honor of meeting Lakesha, you know her heart is filled with love. She gives that love back to people in need all over the world, and she never expects anything in return. Lakesha, along with her husband, Greg, started Tesha’s hands after the loss of her twin sister in 2018. Tesha was only XX years of age.

In Lakesha’s own words, this is why she and Greg started Tesha’s hands:

“I’m so honored to have shared my genes with my identical twin, the beautiful soul of Tesha. The only difference between her and I was that she developed cerebral palsy at the age of one. This left her bound to a wheelchair, unable to walk or talk. I believe that because of her limited abilities, I inherited the supernatural ability to see & love beyond the differences of others. Due to the extensive medical needs, and my parent’s inability at the time to provide the best care she needed, Tesha was adopted. It was one of the hardest decisions a parent could ever make. The last time I had seen her as a child was at the age of 5 years old as shown in the picture below:


Lakesha and Tesha at five-years-old, the last time the twins saw each other as children.

The moment we separated, an instant void consumed my very being. The void remained until she and I reunited at the age of 18.
— Lakesha Burton | Tesha's Hands Founder

My twin and I were inseparable from that point on until the gloomy night of March 3, 2018. On that night, although we were physically in different locations, at approximately 9:00 pm, I gasped for air. Unbeknownst to me at the time Tesha had taken her last breath of life! My twin, my best friend, the one who shared 100% of my genes, transitioned to be with our Lord.

For an entire year after her death, I grieved every day.  I literally had to re-learn how to live without her daily. I suffered from the “twinless” syndrome. I felt like it was the second time I had lost her in my lifetime. How could I honor the beautiful life of my twin sister? I never heard her verbally say, “I love you” but I knew with every part of my being she did, unconditionally.

My loving husband, Greg, whom Tesha revered, was the catalyst behind the idea of creating a nonprofit in her name. We instantly agreed that we would honor her life by simply mirroring what she did best...showing unconditional love. Greg and I made a vow for a second time since we said "I do", to share this type of unconditional love through our SERVICE to others.

From her death, Tesha's Hands, Inc. was born.
